Freelance writer/graphic designer and dorky dad on a quest to write children's books inspired by video games and comic books.
This may not go well.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome to my Lair

So after a short vacation I am back and ready to work.  And since I needed a reason to clean up my office a bit (God forbid I actually clean it for no reason at all) I decided to share my work space with you, the interwebs.  So here it is in all its glory:

That's right, two, count them... TWO monitors.  (cue evil genius laugh)

Although my name is not Simon, I like to do drawings.

So there you have it.  And if it doesn't look that clean to you, then remember, it is all relative.  You didn't see what it looked like before.  Nor can you see what it looks like in the corner where I shoved everything so I could pretend like I cleaned.  Oops, did I just type that down?  Disregard.


  1. I envy your space man... I am currently battling with needing an office myself.

    One suggestion... You need a wall painted with Dry Erase Wall Paint...

    This is need NUMBER ONE when I get my next office. :)

    Also- Wish I could zoom more on the drawings...

  2. Thanks for the idea. I didn't realize they had dry erase wall paint. As for the drawings, I will be posting something soon. Been awhile since I drew something the old fashioned way, so I am trying to get back in practice.
